
Տեղեկատվական վեբինար համայնքների ներկայացուցիչների հմասնակցությամբ՝ ԵՄ կայուն էներգիայի օրերին ընդառաջ


Մոտենում են ԵՄ կայուն էներգիայի օրերը: Արդեն ավանդական դարձած ԵՄ Կայուն էներգիայի շաբաթը (EU Sustainable Energy Week) 2022 թվականին կանցկացվի...

“Creating stronger links between youth and other generations can help us find solutions to today’s challenges” says Congress Spokesperson


On International Youth Day, 12 August 2022, Congress Spokesperson on Youth, Laura Lauro (Italy, EPP/CCE), expressed her support for this...

The right to a healthy environment, a universal human right and an emergency for all levels of governance


Following the  resolution  just adopted by the United Nations General Assembly declaring access to a clean, healthy and...

Working discussion on GIS, with the relevant department representatives․


On August 10 working discussion was held with the relevant department representatives. The discussion was held in the framework of "Alliance...

“Alliance for Better City Governance” project experts working meeting in Union of Communities of Armenia


On August 2 "Alliance for Better City Governance” project experts working meeting was held in Union of Communities of Armenia. 

Public hearing and discussion in Gyumri community was held in order to present public transportation strategy and action plan


On July 28 a public hearing and discussion was held in Gyumri community in order to present the local government and public ABC. GoV Project...