Mariam Mkrtchyan was awarded by Com EAST project and UCA
On August 5 the awarding ceremony of the contests held by Covenant of Mayors East project and Union of Communities of Armenia during EU Sustainable energy week was held in Sevan.
The winner of COM EAST photo contest from
Sevan Mariam Mkrtchyan was awarded. She received a camera from the Project and Union of Communities of Armenia. The ceremony was welcomed by the mayor of Sevan Sargis Muradyan. Sevan joined the initiative in 2020, July 14.
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) took place 22-26 June, 2020 under the theme: ''Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth''.
Because of COVID-19 it took place in digital fromat. EUSEW brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power. Participants are given the opportunity to discuss how policies for renewables, energy efficiency, climate mitigation, and many others comprising the European Green Deal, can help rebuild a better and more resilient society and economy.
Union of Communities of Armenia the national partner of the project. The team of the Union and the experts team in Armenia of the project gave the communities technical and other support to organize energy days in their communities.
27 Armenian communities signed the Covenant. EU-funded Covenant of Mayors East project supporting cities signing up to the Covenant of Mayors – a flagship EU initiative to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30% by 2030. It helps municipalities to prepare and implement Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, improving the security of energy supply, and allowing them to contribute more actively to climate change mitigation.
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