Webinar “Covid-19 Challenges for Local Authorities”


Union of Communities of Armenia with financial support of Visegrad Fund implements ''Colloboration towards sustainable development of cities...

What changes were made in the RA Electoral Code, powers of local self-government bodies: webinar on legal topics


On July 22 a webinar on the topic of ''Current legal Issues of local self-government in Armenia'' was held.

Webinar on the topic of European Charter of Local Self-Government and the State of Local Democracy in Armenia was held


On July 21 a webinar on the topic of ''European Charter of Local Self-Government and the State of Local Democracy in Armenia'' was held.

The winners of the contests organized by Spitak municipality during EU Sustainable Energy Week were awarded


The winners of the contests organized by Spitak municipality during EU Sustainable Energy Week were awarded by the mayor of Spitak Gagik...

July 24. Webinar :


Union of Communities of Armenia with financial support of Visegrad Fund implements ''Colloboration towards sustainable development of cities...

Webinar: ''Current legal Issues of local self-government in Armenia''


Union of Communities of Armenia with financial support of Visegrad Fund implements ''Colloboration towards sustainable development of cities...